Our Services

Top quality translation is the result of a combination of in-depth knowledge of both source and target languages PLUS a sound knowledge of the subject matter and an acute understanding of the target audience.

Our translation team is comprised of freelance translators from around Brazil, each chosen following specific demanding criteria which ensure that our exacting standards are met at all times. In every project the translation team is handpicked, according to the requisite linguistic expertise, cultural awareness and knowledge of the subject matter.

Software and Website Localization

Translation of software products (interface & online items and printed materials) and websites, which encompasses the cultural adaptation to the target market.

Specialized Technical Translations

Areas of specialization: HR, IT, e-Commerce, telecommunications, education & traning, eLearning, ERP, CRM, e-Business, finance, pharmaceutics, medicine/health care, CAD (computer-aided design), retail market and legal.

Translation and Adaptation of Marketing and Advertising Materials

Translation of marketing & advertising materials which require a specific marketing-oriented style and takes into account the target public.

Linguistic and Functional Testing of Localized Software Products

Our translators are capable of testing software products in order to thoroughly check their functionality and language.

Patent Translation

We have a specialized team for the translation of patent reports, in specific fields such as biochemistry, mechanics, medicine, pharmaceutics, oil & gas, and telecommunications.

Sworn Translation

Sworn translations (English into Portuguese and vice-versa), under the responsibility of our partner Ana Beatriz Fernandes, who has been appointed by the Board of Trade in Rio de Janeiro as an Official Public Sworn Translator.